Sunday, October 28, 2012

Induction in Action

Image courtesy of nixxphotography at
This semester's new member induction ceremony will be held at 2:00 pm Saturday, November 3rd. 
UPDATE:  To accommodate our overwhelming response, the ceremony has been moved to the Professional Training and Education Center, located just north of the Student Center on Hudiburg Drive.

The RSVP link/password can be found on D2L; please respond as quickly as you can to aid in planning.  October 30th will be the final day to respond.  We hope to see all of you there for the celebration.

Also, we're hoping to combine celebration with service, and use the induction ceremony to get us started on our Honors in Action project.  

As you may know, our chosen theme is Food Fight!: Competition and Food, with our intended project centering around assisting with food necessities for some of our fellow RSC students.  We are asking that each person attending the induction ceremony (members and guests) bring one item for donation to this necessary and worthwhile project.  At this time, we are asking for the following items:
  • Bag of pinto beans
  • Bag of rice
  • Can of green beans
  • Box of cornbread mix
  • Can of fruit cocktail
While all donations are absolutely appreciated, if possible, we would ask that each member of your party bring a different item so that we assure a good mix of food types.

We know that some of you may be unable to attend the meetings to stay up to date with the HIA project, but we'll keep you updated on the progress here, on Facebook, and D2L, so stay tuned.

We're looking forward to seeing you all Saturday!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Getting Started

Hello, and welcome to AHA!, the place to keep up with Alpha Eta Alpha on the campus of Rose State College.  We hope this site will serve as a gathering place for members to stay in touch with what's going on in the chapter, as well as potential members to get a look into what it's like to be part of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society family. Also, members should fee free share the site with friends and family in your life; let them get an idea of what it is we do, and why membership is so important to us.  

Since we're all busy with school, families, work, and anything and everything that life can throw our way, we know that there are challenges to attending our regular chapter meetings or participating in all of the club activities, so we're hoping that this blog will give us another avenue of fellowship in our chapter and let us get to know each other a little better, with the virtual world tiding us over in between the times we can gather in the real one.  

Since we see this as a virtual gathering, we encourage two-way communication here, so please do leave your comments on any of our posts and let us know what you think.  Also, if you've got ideas for something you'd like to see here, drop us a line and give us your suggestions. You can reach us here, and we're always open to new ideas. That doesn't mean we can implement everything, of course, but it means we'll always consider it and do our best to make it work.

More than anything, it is our hope that this site can help us in some small way to benefit even more from our membership in PTK, learn even more from our fellow members, and grow even more from our time at Rose State.  Working together, we're confident we can make that happen.

Thanks for visiting, and we hope to see you again soon.