Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome to ΦΘΚ!

So, were you able to join the celebration Saturday?  The chapter hosted the fall induction ceremony, and it could only be labeled a successful event. 

Of just over 50 students who accepted membership to Phi Theta Kappa this semester, about 18 of them were on hand to participate in the induction ceremony.  And, the chapter also installed six new officers, giving us a full complement of officers this semester.

An overwhelming show of support from family and friends had led to a change of venue to a larger location just a few days before the induction, so there were plenty of loved ones on hand to celebrate the day with our new members.  There were smiles and cheers and a good time was had by all.

As our featured speaker, we were honored to have Matthew Wiedemann, the Western District Vice President of the Oklahoma/Arkansas region.  It was great of him to take time out of his schedule to come and address our group, and he had plenty of positive things to say about all the benefits of joining the Phi Theta Kappa family.  Incidentally, he also encouraged members to consider running for a regional office (a topic that was also covered in our last member meeting), so start giving some thought to how you can take over his job!

And, in addition to the fun, we successfully conducted a little business, too, bringing in bags of donated food items for our Honors in Action project.  Keep watching Facebook and D2L for more details on final collection numbers as well as next steps for the project.

We also took the group picture for our chapter entry into the national Phi Theta Kappa Facebook photo contest.  Be sure to share our link with family and friends and ask them to cast a vote for us.  They can vote daily between November 5th and 15th.

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend and share in the induction ceremony. If you couldn't make it (or even if you could!), enjoy a few moments from the special day. And, see even more photos on our Facebook page.  (Also, if you've got some shots from the ceremony, feel free to post them over there.)

Leave us a comment and let us know what you thought of the ceremony.

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